Enjoy great savings with the following prepayment packages!
Prepayment Packages:
- Package 1: for individuals, couples, and families 10% discount for 8 prepaid sessions
- Package 2: for couples and families, 5% discount for 4 prepaid sessions
Your Benefits!
- Prepaid clients may cancel appointments 24 hours before the scheduled session without cancelation fee
- Allowed one cancelation without cancelation fee
- Transferable to one person if unconsumed within a year of availing
Terms and Conditions:
- Once transferred, original owner of the package shall have forfeited the remaining sessions in favor of the beneficiary
- Prepaid sessions will expire after one year of non-usage, client is encouraged to use at least one session a year to extend the validity of the discounted package
- Availed prepaid package is non-refundable
- Time extensions per session shall be charged based on current rates and will not be subject to a discount
- Payment for time extensions shall be due immediately after the extended session
- The same late policy applies to all prepaid packages
*Changes may be applied based on certain conditions.