Living with Obsessive Thoughts

By Nathan Chua

If you take a closer look at the title of this article, you might see that one word is not capitalized.  First of all, it’s what I learned in English composition about how titles should be written.  Prepositions are supposed to remain in the lower case when inserted into a title.  Secondly and coincidentally, it is probably what would make the approach I use a bit different from what you would mostly encounter in other mainstream therapies.  I used the word, “with.”  I could have written something like, “Living FREE of your Obsessive Thoughts,” or “Living with LESS Obsessive Thoughts,” or “OVERCOMING Obsessive Thoughts,” or “MANAGING Obsessive Thoughts.”  However, that would just take me to the same agenda that is, as I said, mostly what you would expect from the mainstream.

The “”with” part is a big part of what I do in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Training (ACT).  You might now be worried or your mind is begging you to ask, “Are you into some kind of torture method?…Don’t you have a way of bringing me at least some relief from these obsessive thoughts?  Well, of course we all want relief, and that’s pretty much why people come to see a shrink.  But it’s in the “how” you get relief that makes it problematic.

The automatic reaction which is logical, reasonable, and sensible, is to come to therapy with the idea that I can somehow magically remove or lessen your obsessive thoughts.  As a renowned psychologist would say, and I paraphrase, “You just happen to be doing what’s reasonable, logical, sensible, and by the way, pathological.  It’s logical but it’s also nuts!”  

Now before you come to me for help, I want you to notice what it is that you have tried to get rid of those thoughts.  Have you taken pills?  Have you tried to reason out to yourself to relieve yourself of those thoughts?  Have you opted out of things you used to do, hoping that if you stop doing them, you wouldn’t be reminded of those thoughts?  

So my next question is, “Have those attempts worked?”  Have you been able to remove such obsessions that your mind gives you?  Well, you could say yes they have, but if you come to me, then ask yourself, “What for?”  Most likely, you are reading this or coming to see me because the thoughts have remained.  Yes, they did leave you for a while, but they seem to catch up with you sooner or later.

So let’s do one of my favorite ACT exercises to help you live WITH your obsessive thoughts.  On a piece of paper, write down all the difficult obsessive thoughts that you have.  You may even include some feelings or bodily sensations that come with those thoughts.  

Now, do this.  Put it in your pocket and answer a few questions.  

  • Do you have to want to put this paper in your pocket, to put it in your pocket?
  • Does it take a lot of effort to put it in your pocket?
  • Do you have to change anything that you have written in this piece of paper in order to put it in your pocket?
  • Do you have to believe in what you wrote in this piece of paper to put it in your pocket?
  • Do you have to pretend to put the paper in your pocket in order to put it in your pocket?

If all your answers here are no, then put it in your pocket.  If you answer yes to any, think about why your answer is yes.  Are you trying to suppress these thoughts?  Are you playing the role of another person you think will represent who you are?  Are you trying to argue with such thoughts?  How many of these have you already tried before?  Have they worked to get you to live the life you want or be the person you want to be?

If you’re one who answered no, then put this in your pocket to remind yourself that you are willing to have this because it is in your own best interest to have all these thoughts in your pocket and still do what’s important to you.  

Let me end with a quote from a book that also quotes a regular person who had attended an ACT group.  This is one of a number who described what willingness meant to them and to their lives:  

“Why willingness? Because it is a normal human process to feel pain, and it is inhumane and unloving to try to hold myself to a different standard,” from an anonymous ACT training participant, taken from a book co-written by Steven C. Hayes. 

Get to know the difference in our approach to counseling…in 30 minutes!

I am quite sure that many of you think that all of the counseling practices being offered in the Philippines are just the same.  Pretty much about common sense advice to deal with your difficulties in the secret life you and I have in our minds.  You probably hear a lot of these in talk shows and see them online in your Google searches.  

I must admit that from 2009 up to 2019, my practice varied only slightly from what was and is still widely available in the Philippines, that of a syndromal and symptom-reduction approach to therapy.  

Since 2019 though, I have come across an approach that I believe jumps out as the most scientifically sound that I have ever experienced applying in my own life, as well as those that I have helped in the past two years or so!

In my zeal and excitement to share this with you, I am now offering a 30-minute session that is packed with enough information for you to see how this relatively new approach in the field of counseling and psychology works so well, and why it is now the most researched method in the world for the last 20 years! 

What you will be shown is what Dr. Kevin Polk calls the Psychological Flexibility Point of View, which can neatly sum up this approach to therapy in just 30 minutes!

Feel free to reach out to us and book yourself a quick 30-minute appointment that we are confident will change your life’s direction!  Yes, that’s all we ask!  Thirty minutes and you are free to decide if you wish to continue your work with us or not.

You can be an individual, a couple, or a family. Just take 30 minutes of your time and see if this is something that will explain best why you and I struggle within our mental worlds!

Call or message me now at 0917 886 LIFE (5433)!  I’d be more than excited to share my newfound knowledge with you, so you can start your journey towards creating that best version of you that you’ve always wanted!