Are you alone this Valentine?

by Nathan Chua

I have a feeling you would say that this blog post may not be worth your time.  Why?  Because how many times have you read articles that tell you to weigh the pros and cons of being alone in this time made exclusively for couples.  Well, this article will either amuse you or disappoint you.  I am not here to talk about the usual good and bad of being single and alone on Valentine’s day.  That battle in your mind will go on until the day you lose consciousness (well, for good, knock on wood).  It will never end.  It’s sort of like an old marriage joke I heard once from a clergyman, “Marriage is like flies on a screen door.  Those who are out want in and those who are in want out!”

Well, that’s the mind for you!  Sorry to sound trite, but your mind will always convince you that the grass is greener on the other side.  It is a nonstop judgment machine!  

So here’s the deal with being alone this Valentine’s day.  You can either give up your search for a lover, or you can keep doing what you are doing now (rationalizing why you shouldn’t or why you should be extra picky, or why you should anyway), or you can give it a go!  I know your mind will start barking off reasons for you to not even try.  It’s going to be one out of a hundred chances that I get to meet someone interesting.  It will be exhausting!  Boring!  Painful!  I will just get rejected more times than I can bear.

You can either follow what your mind tells you to do or step back a little and say what is dating done in the service of?  Is there a part of you that wants to be loving and caring to that one special person?  If your answer is yes, notice the verbs I use here!  It is about being loving and caring.  It is not just about marrying the right person, or having a long term commitment.  What’s the difference?  The former is something you can do endlessly until the end of your last breath, while the latter are goals you make that tell you you’re partly on your way to be the former!  Get it?  

See if we focus on our goals, we set ourselves up for disappointment…whether we succeed or not.  Why so?  That doesn’t seem fair!  Let’s see how goals work in our lives.  Goals are mostly end points in a process of pursuing something we want out of our lives.  If you fail to meet those goals, then you end up disappointed.  If you succeed in achieving your goals, how long does the satisfaction last?  Have you ever noticed that any new goals you achieve are instantly followed by a lack of satisfaction and an urge to pursue even more goals?  (Ever wondered why some of the richest billionaires end up doing something else besides what they had been doing so well for decades?)  So whether you achieve goals or not, you end up disappointed or at least unsatisfied.  Remember your mind is a judgment machine!  

So think of dating as part of your magic carpet ride!  It will be scary at times for sure, but it will likely be worth it if you know what the activity done is in the service of.  Think of a child who plays games like hide and seek!  Isn’t that scary and anxiety-causing?  But we still played the game for the sake of a more fun childhood!  That was when we hardly knew the rules that our minds gave us!  You shouldn’t feel this or that, or think this or that!  At least that’s what the adults around us said!  So the secret is to see your moves from a child’s eyes.  This is going to be horrifying at times, but alive!  Just like a movie!  There will be challenging times, but that’s what makes a movie a movie worth watching, isn’t it?  

So get in touch with the child in you and enjoy the ride.  This is just part of your journey of being or becoming more like the loving you you’ve always wanted to be!  Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! (and that includes the lonely ones!)