Two MORE Shrinks Over Drinks! Part 2

This is the second offering of our Two Shrinks Over Drinks series. This time we have a friend, who’s also a doctor and co-author of a book entitled, “Mastering the Clinical Conversation: Language as Intervention.”

Here you get another chance to eavesdrop on two MORE shrinks caught in a casual conversation. If you have ever wondered what it is like to listen to a couple of psychologists/counselors talk over a drink, well, here’s your chance!

In this second part of the chat with Matthieu, we discuss the following:

– Matthieu’s views about the DSM
– Movies that he saw from an ACT perspective and his views about the characters in the movie Les Miserables
– How clinging to rules can lead to loneliness and sometimes even suicide
– Hierarchical thinking and its relation to our choices of behaving
– What role psychologists play in changing behavior in society for the good



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