When we grieve…

by Nathan Chua

Nothing can be more heartrending than to see someone in my office having to deal with the loss of a dear one.  Not only is there pain in seeing the empty spaces at home, but also the empty hours that go by without a familiar companion.  Some even have to deal with the images of seeing the loved one’s struggle for that one last breath. 

How does one cope with such a cruel reality that life introduces us to, the moment we lose that childhood innocence?  What does grieving involve?  How do we move on when all we have are memories of something that will never happen again?  Why is it so hard to find relief? 

Some of the unnecessary suffering we experience in the course of grieving involves our own struggle against the feelings that come with a loss.  When we suppress our feelings that come with such an evocative event, we end up with an unwinnable struggle.  A common misconception is that grief is a feeling that we should try to get over with.  We feel especially unfit when we are not able to do so just at the time when others around us have.  Attached to this idea is the effort to appear unperturbed by the pain we carry.  Grief is not a feeling but a process that involves different feelings.  There will be guilt, hurt, sadness, anger, and many more that come along with the process. 

A common experience is the advice that we get from well-meaning people around us who try hard to cheer us up.  Our minds will quickly relate this to some kind of internal defect having been left behind by the group that has moved on with their feelings.  We reject parts of us that tell us that we have lost someone we cared for.  You and I are not robots or computers that can be programmed to shut down certain thoughts and feelings with the flick of a switch.  This is what I often end up observing in my clients.  It is quite understandable since there is so much pressure to conform with the expectations; especially of those they hold in high regard.

If we run away from our difficult feelings then we don’t really learn much about who we are or what we hold to be important in our relationships.  Grieving now turns into a struggle with our own thoughts, feelings, and memories.  We overlook the reason behind our pain.  That reason is important because we cared enough to hurt over what we have lost.  Dr. Steven Hayes had this to say, “The things that bring us pain, also enrich our lives.  When we cry at the loss of a friend, we’re enriching our lives, we’re not diminishing our lives.”    

One of the processes that can help us get through with more resilience, purpose, and meaning in the midst of such a crushing event is to remember why this person meant so much to us.  Maybe they were kind and loving.  Maybe they never had a bad thing to say about others.  Maybe they were thoughtful and caring, gentle and soft-spoken.  Whatever it is that they left in your memory only tells you one thing.  That those same qualities of being they lived, are pretty much the same in you.  Live it!  Bring their lives into yours and experience for yourself what some experts call a place in time, “where the magic happens.”

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