Two Shrinks Over Drinks AGAIN!

In this episode for our series, Shrinks Over Drinks, I talk with Dr. Niklas Torneke, a Swedish psychiatrist who has authored three books in English and more in Swedish. Two of his books in English have been very instrumental in my journey into ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), RFT (Relational Frame Theory), and behaviorism. He is an authority when it comes to the uses of language and metaphors from an RFT perspective.

I have myself seen how his work has informed me inside the counseling room and how much it helps people see through the veneer of language.

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Another Two Shrinks Over Drinks! With Dr. Emily Sandoz!

If you prefer to listen to this video interview, you can click the play button below:

Two MORE Shrinks Over Drinks! Part 2

This is the second offering of our Two Shrinks Over Drinks series. This time we have a friend, who’s also a doctor and co-author of a book entitled, “Mastering the Clinical Conversation: Language as Intervention.”

Here you get another chance to eavesdrop on two MORE shrinks caught in a casual conversation. If you have ever wondered what it is like to listen to a couple of psychologists/counselors talk over a drink, well, here’s your chance!

In this second part of the chat with Matthieu, we discuss the following:

– Matthieu’s views about the DSM
– Movies that he saw from an ACT perspective and his views about the characters in the movie Les Miserables
– How clinging to rules can lead to loneliness and sometimes even suicide
– Hierarchical thinking and its relation to our choices of behaving
– What role psychologists play in changing behavior in society for the good